Saturday, June 18, 2011

USB 2.0 Getting Long In The Tooth

Some Mac gadgets like keyboards or mice don't really NEED anything beyond USB 2.0 speeds. But with our ever increasing hunger for huge music and video libraries -- backing up or copying data to a hard drive, or cloning a bootable OSX volume - even an external solid-state SSD is getting to be a long drawn-out pain.

Months have passed with new MacBook Pro and now iMac models with built-in ThunderBolt ports - and yet there's still no shipping ThunderBolt drives, cases, or drive interface adapters to make use of ThunderBolt's 10Gbps speeds. And even when solutions do ship - they'll be expensive high-end products initially - beyond the wallet of the average consumer. So far, ThunderBolt has been a big flop in the eyes of Apple's customers.

USB 3.0 IS getting traction in the PC marketplace with a growing selection of USB3 cards, drives, and SuperSpeed hubs. A few Mac USB 3.0 solutions DO exist for ExpressCard MacBooks and Macintosh Pro towers: Here, LaCie is bundling a cross-platform USB3 solution of RAID drive and SuperSpeed card bundle for Windows or Mac OSX.

It's still going to be a long, slow road to truly HIGH-SPEED gadgets on a Mac. Drives and storage solutions will come first, followed by USB 3 and ThunderBolt audio and video gear - the markets where the additional bandwidth is desperately needed today. For less demanding devices, both interfaces offer additional power, faster charging and split second sync times for handheld gadgets. The promise is just too compelling, but it may not be until 2012 that the pieces really come together. In the meantime: "Hurry up. And WAIT...."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mac Web Design Software

Oh, the daily drudge and joys of Mac Web Design and SEO Tool living -- I've recently upgraded to RapidWeaver 5 after some much needed revisions to version 5.1.1 were in place. I'd heard RW 5.0 was pretty crash prone and flakey. But this version seems quite stable, moreso than RW4 so I'm happy. No truly earth-shattering new features, but built-in automatic SiteMap generation is a nice hassle-free addition - without having to use a 3rd-party plugin.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mac Laptop Music Studio - To Go.

My nephew Suggy is seriously into Mac Audio Gear. His parents were teachers and so he grew up on Apple computers, became quite the techno nerd in his teen years, and learned a variety of musical instruments. Now in college, he in a local band - and using all he knows about Macs to do some home studio and live gig recording and mixing all from his MacBook Pro.