Sunday, July 31, 2011

Benefits of SSD ThunderBolt Drive Storage

When time is money - or when there's a TON of computer data that needs to get schlepped around, the SSD ThunderBolt Drive Benefits of ultra-fast external hard drive storage will become clear. Especially for video production working with uncompressed HD video streams. Multi-track audio recording engineers are gonna love a ThunderBolt hard drive's ability to store and retrieve a mountain of tracks and digital instruments in split seconds. Platter drives - when used in striped RAID arrays are pretty damn fast, but SSD drives in pairs or more are really going to unleash the Apple ThunderBolt port's true prowess.
ThunderBolt Port Adapters >

Recommended WiFi and Bluetooth Accessories For MacBook Users

Recommended Bluetooth and Wireless Mac Peripherals and Accessories for MacBook, iPad and iPhone users:  > - A selection of some of the latest in WiFi and Bluetooth headsets, webcams, speakers, printers, scanners and other Mac compatible wireless gear.

SSD Upgrades For Older Mac Laptops And Desktops

New Life for old Macs - Mac SSD Hard Drive Upgrades > - If youv'e got an older MacBook, Mac mini, iMac or Macintosh Pro - the benefits of swapping in a solid-state drive upgrade are dramatic.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

1st ThunderBolt Port Drives - Now Shipping

The first of what will be many ThunderBolt computer accessories has arrived. The Apple store online now list the Promise Technologies Pegasus 4 and 6 drive RAID arrays - the first shipping ThunderBolt drives. But you'd better have a FAT wallet, cuz this line of drives starts at $1499 and goes up from there. Clearly a high-end storage solution for high end users like Pro video editing, commercial music studio production and enterprise Mac environments.

Backlinks For Mac Website Owners

In addtion to spot-on on-page SEO optimization, the ongoing efforts to build quality backlinks to your website is critical to achieve and maintain high rankings in organic search results. Mac Link Building Tools Tips For Apple Web Masters recommends some methods for acquiring quality links with less manual effort.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

USB 2.0 Getting Long In The Tooth

Some Mac gadgets like keyboards or mice don't really NEED anything beyond USB 2.0 speeds. But with our ever increasing hunger for huge music and video libraries -- backing up or copying data to a hard drive, or cloning a bootable OSX volume - even an external solid-state SSD is getting to be a long drawn-out pain.

Months have passed with new MacBook Pro and now iMac models with built-in ThunderBolt ports - and yet there's still no shipping ThunderBolt drives, cases, or drive interface adapters to make use of ThunderBolt's 10Gbps speeds. And even when solutions do ship - they'll be expensive high-end products initially - beyond the wallet of the average consumer. So far, ThunderBolt has been a big flop in the eyes of Apple's customers.

USB 3.0 IS getting traction in the PC marketplace with a growing selection of USB3 cards, drives, and SuperSpeed hubs. A few Mac USB 3.0 solutions DO exist for ExpressCard MacBooks and Macintosh Pro towers: Here, LaCie is bundling a cross-platform USB3 solution of RAID drive and SuperSpeed card bundle for Windows or Mac OSX.

It's still going to be a long, slow road to truly HIGH-SPEED gadgets on a Mac. Drives and storage solutions will come first, followed by USB 3 and ThunderBolt audio and video gear - the markets where the additional bandwidth is desperately needed today. For less demanding devices, both interfaces offer additional power, faster charging and split second sync times for handheld gadgets. The promise is just too compelling, but it may not be until 2012 that the pieces really come together. In the meantime: "Hurry up. And WAIT...."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mac Web Design Software

Oh, the daily drudge and joys of Mac Web Design and SEO Tool living -- I've recently upgraded to RapidWeaver 5 after some much needed revisions to version 5.1.1 were in place. I'd heard RW 5.0 was pretty crash prone and flakey. But this version seems quite stable, moreso than RW4 so I'm happy. No truly earth-shattering new features, but built-in automatic SiteMap generation is a nice hassle-free addition - without having to use a 3rd-party plugin.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mac Laptop Music Studio - To Go.

My nephew Suggy is seriously into Mac Audio Gear. His parents were teachers and so he grew up on Apple computers, became quite the techno nerd in his teen years, and learned a variety of musical instruments. Now in college, he in a local band - and using all he knows about Macs to do some home studio and live gig recording and mixing all from his MacBook Pro.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

TV Tuners For Apple Computers

Tune In! - HD TV Tuner for Apple

Nice to see the ElGato - EyeTV folk recently brought back the Silicon Dust HD HOMERUN Dual QAM-ATSC network TV tuner for Mac back into their product line. Now in a redesigned 2nd generation enclosure and bundled with the latest EyeTV3 - its an ethernet attached whole-house solution for enjoying TV on your Mac desktop or MacBook laptop.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top Apple Computer Peripherals

Working on a new site about Apple Computer Peripherals > - the kind of Macintosh and Apple handheld gadget accessories to take your computing experience to the next level
Planet Park Directory - Macintosh Computer Gear >
Mac Audio Recording Studio Gear >

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Build Your Own Mac Music Recording Studio >
RAID Array Enclosures for Intel Thunderbolt Ports >
High-Speed Thunderbolt Hard Drives >
High-Speed Thunderbolt Hard Drives >
Apple Mac Performance Memory Upgrades >
Introducing the New 13-inch Macbook >
Apple Compatible Printers >
Technology and Gadgets - Best-Selling Mac Software
Programs - At A Discount >
All About Technology and Gadgets >
All About Technology and Gadget >
Bluetooth Wireless Audio Accessories For Mac OS X >
Mac Wireless Computer Peripherals >
Best Bluetooth Speakers for iPads >

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

USB 3.0 Port Netbooks >
Macintosh Hardware And Software >
Mac Compatible USB 3.0 Drives and Accessories - Apple
iNews - iPhone 4 3GS - iPad - iPod Touch >
Mac Music Recording Equipment >
Mac Music Recording Equipment >
High-Speed ThunderBolt Computer Peripherals >
High-Speed ThunderBolt Computer Peripherals >
Suggy Mac Compatible Accessories >
Laptop and Desktop Computer Speakers >

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hurry Up And Wait - ThunderBolt Mac Adapters

There's alot of interest in Mac ThunderBolt Adapters, Converters, and Docks - especially for ultra-fast backups from external eSATA and USB 3.0 hard drives. But with Intel really the only game in town at this point for a ThunderBolt chipset - and Apple having failed to ship any real-world ThunderBolt product(s) the day of launching the new Thunder-Bolt enabled MacBook Pro's.... well, it's hurry up and wait - for the time being

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mac Gizmo Links - Buzznet DETAILS >
Air Cam Live Webcam Video for iPhone and iPod Touch
Best Desktop Speakers DETAILS >
Creating LightScribe Disks Labels with OS X DETAILS >
Laptop Problems and Computer Solutions DETAILS >
Best Portable Speakers DETAILS >
Apple TV Tuners DETAILS >
Mac Gizmo Guy - Apple Gadget News DETAILS >
Best Printers For Apple iPad GEAR DETAILS >
Apple Macintosh Directory DETAILS >
Mac Music and Audio Recording News DETAILS >
Recording Equipment for Mac : Best Apple Music Gear DETAILS >
Apple ThunderBolt Ports DETAILS >
Top Selling Apple Macintosh Accessories DETAILS >

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

USB 3.0 versus ThunderBolt? Nope: USB3 AND ThunderBolt Ports

SuperSpeed USB 3.0 vs Apple ThunderBolt? Both are in Mac users future: Apple ThunderBolt has a bit of a challenge ahead of it. SuperSpeed USB 3 has a slow but literally 2 year lead on LightPeak-ThunderBolt out in the marketplace. And USB3's backward compatibility with slower-speed USB peripherals meets CONSUMER NEEDS. So I don't really see ThunderBolt as USB 3.0 'KILLER' at all, it isn't a A vs B, Either/Or thechnology war. It's simply two emerging High-Speed computer interface standards that will BOTH define the future of computer accessories for Mac and PC. And that's a good thing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Best SSD For Mac?

Best bang for the buck on an SSD drive for MacBook or Apple Mac mini? The latest generation of SandForce controller SSD's - some of which are featured at really took Apple solid-state disk drive performance to the next level. With large onboard cache, and a highly refined controller, these latest generation SSD's bring WRITE speeds almost on a par with Read speeds. In the past solid-state flash lagged on writes to some degree, but these differences got ironed out in the past year.

And prices have gotten sweet - especially on 120GB-128GB drives. Even some of the top performers are around - or under $2/GB. If you didn't do a Build-To-Order SSD for your last Mac purchased at the Apple Store - consider upgrading to a solid-state drive in your current Mac - you'll be amazed at how silent, smooth and reliable your Mac experience can be.

iPad Compatible Printers

Apple AirPrint supported printers from HP - Wireless iPad printing made easy: Auto-discover for select HP Printers For iPad. With Hewlett-Packard embracing Apple's Air-Print technology, they're first out of the gate with _select_ printer models that 'just work' for recent IOS4 devices. And that means easy printing from iPhones as well as iPod touch.

Yeah, Apple's been late to deliver an easy printing solution, yeah there are all sorts of hacks and apps and bridges and tips and tricks and tactics to print from an iPad to other brands of printers. But if you're looking for HASSLE-FREE printing - TODAY - HP has some affordable options, like the affordable iPad compatible printing solution shown above.

SuperSpeed BackUp Drives For ANY Mac

Hard drive manufacturers are all-aboard with SuperSpeed USB 3.0 backup drives. Think _Forward_! - The cost of using a USB3 chipset is so low, many major manufacturers of external hard disk drives are simply using USB 3.0 chips and mini-usb3 ports on their latest drives. Since SuperSpeed USB3 fits the same standard USB 1 and 2 ports - AND FULLY BACKWARD COMPATIBLE - you can buy a future-proof backup drive that's fully backward compatible (at legacy USB 2 speeds) and use it on your NEXT computer that will eventually have USB3 ports built in.

I've always been fond of small, laptop drives. Here, Western Digital's latest Passport series drives have been upgraded to support USB3 for those who can take advantage of it, and are "USB3-Ready" for SuperSpeed computers down the road.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 CES and MacWorld Expo - Stay Tuned

Should be lots of interesting Apple, Technology and USB 3.0 SuperSpeed news in the weeks ahead as some of the two most important annual computing and electronics shows hit the state in January. Is 2011 the year of USB3 - I'm betting it is... Well, if Apple drops the ball or USB 3 is delayed - at least CES will be swamped with SuperSpeed product announcements. NO. DOUBT. ABOUT. IT. This USB speed boost is just too compelling (and profitable) for the industry.